For the 27th edition of the “Soirée des Carrés”, the Morlaix region’s business club, Domaine de Treuscoat, SeaBeLife and La Source won the 2023 trophies. These three companies were rewarded for their performance, local impact and innovation.
The “Soirée des Carrés” is a well-established event, with a full house every year. This 27th edition was no exception, bringing together business leaders and economic players from the Morlaix region at the CCIMBO offices. This year, the Carrés club, which organizes the awards ceremony, celebrated its 40th anniversary, and its ambition remains unchanged: to reward the region’s outstanding businesses.
This year, for the 27th edition of the Soirée des Carrés, three local companies were honored: Domaine de Treuscoat, SeaBeLife and La Source.
Innovation award
Biotech SeaBeLife has been awarded the innovation award for the development of a breakthrough technology aimed at blocking the cell death process.
“SeaBeLife’s platform technology is based on a portfolio of over 150 relevant biologically active molecules, identified in the world’s only collection at the Roscoff Biological Station, with the unique specificity of inhibiting two forms of regulated cell death activated under pathological conditions: necroptosis and ferroptosis. The applications of these molecules are protected by five patent families”, explains Morgane Rousselot. explains Morgane Rousselot, CEO and co-founder of the company, who holds a PhD in biochemistry from the UPMC-CNRS-Station Biologique de Roscoff.